Category Archives: Rants
Kids Do Dumb Things
Just because some kids occasionally do dumb things, doesn’t mean you should be a prick about it. People seem to have a lot to say about kids and Tide Pods (or the latest craze – condoms). I understand the negative reaction, but the generalizations that typically follow are absurd and hypocritical. Kids doing dumb things […]
If You Lose, It’s Your Fault
Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and…Greenies(?), I’m going to address each of you separately. There is SO much I could discuss, but I’m only going to touch on electability. This post is NOT about qualifications. It is about candidates being viable. If this pisses you off – good! I’m pissed off. You’re pissed off. It’s the last […]
You and I Both Know This is Bulls*** – Just Stop
I’m a decent human being. Generally speaking, my friends are decent human beings. In all of my decency, I’ve only just given this issue the thought it deserves, and I’m hoping my friends (and strangers who read this) will do the same. It’s time to kill off Chief Wahoo. But it’s tradition, right? You don’t […]
Social Media: You’re Doing It Wrong
We are eroding our personal relationships with our online habits, and most of us have no idea what we’re doing wrong! At issue here is not the fact that mobile devices and social media exist; the problem is not the availability of life distractions. The issue involves shared experiences. I realized this a few days ago when […]
The NFL is Broken – No Problem, I’ll Fix It
When I say the NFL is broken, I’m speaking primarily as a Browns fan, the most profoundly broken team perhaps in the history of U.S. professional sports. I have a solution that might fix this franchise (and a handful of other teams), but it requires that contracts and compensation be completely restructured across the league. […]